We are blessed to have so many natural resources at our
disposal in Texas . Austin
has a great campaign for its citizen to be conscious about where their
purchases come from. Having a local economy protects us from the waves of
uncertainty from Wall Street. Many people are unaware that our local economy
and resources are under attack by multi-national corporations.
In Austin
alone, local quarries and building supply companies are being bought out by
multi-national corporations such as Old
Castle . Customers who want to live
by the “keep Austin local” meme
give their business to seemingly local companies without realizing the facade
is merely an illusion. When the corporation buys out a local company it is
rarely publicized in the local paper. They do their best to keep everything as
it was by giving employees raises to maintain similar faces and keeping the
company name the same. Natural resources that are used in building materials
such as gypsum, sand, gravel and rock are the backbone to our economy. When a
new building is created there are new jobs added, and more money is flowing
into the local economy. In order to keep the profits in our local and state
economies we must not let our resources be bought out..
What are the implications of these buyouts? When a small
company is bought out by a larger one, the morale of the employees is
diminished. Going from being a valuable asset to a company to just a number is
a tough pill to swallow. Multi-national corporations are not concerned with the
local community where they are gaining profits from. They are more likely to
pay lower wages, and layoff families to increase their bottom line. The only
ones benefiting from this siege are the families who are given a blank check to
sell off their companies that have been fueling Texas
communities for decades. Keeping local companies in the hands of Texans is imperative
to fight back against Wall Street’s attack on the middle class. These companies should not be allowed to hide
behind their local signs, and Austinites deserve to know where their money is